Simulasi pergerakan jatuhan kain menggunakan teknik pengubahsuaian masa Verlet

Jerenekan Abdul Haq (2012) Simulasi pergerakan jatuhan kain menggunakan teknik pengubahsuaian masa Verlet. Universiti Malaysia Sabah. (Unpublished)


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Cloth simulation is a simulation that has been applied to many virtual world applications. The development of this simulation is not only limited in the field of film industry-animation, but it also commonly used in computer games and virtual reality simulation. Several approaches are used in this simulation such as geometrical based, physically based, and hybrid. Each of these approaches uses different techniques to produce a realistic cloth simulation. In this project, a free fall cloth simulation prototype was developed using Time-Corrected Verlet technique. The cloth structure model was form using the mass-spring system while Time-Corrected Verlet technique used for the free fall cloth movement. The lighting effect by using the normal vector calculation is also used to create a realistic fabric surface. The addition of external force that is gravitational force is also applied in this simulation. The conducted experiments showed that the average number of frames rendered per second for Time-Corrected Verlet technique was 7.05 while 6.05 for Verlet Integration technique. The experiment was carried out in 20 second with different radius, weight, and lighting effect. In addition, the test frames per second, per frame edges, and triangles per frame also carried out. The amount of memory consumption by 20 set of tests were conducted and the comparison results showed that the average memory usage for the simulation was 6420.3kb. From the experiments, it can be concluded that the use of Time-Corrected Verlet techniques is efficient.

Item Type: Academic Exercise
Keyword: Euler Integration , gravitational force
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics
Department: FACULTY > Faculty of Science and Natural Resources
Depositing User: ADMIN ADMIN
Date Deposited: 17 Nov 2016 15:23
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2017 16:16

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