Public perception of city parks recreational benefits and usage in Kota Kinabalu green space

Chan, Kaede Lip Chung (2023) Public perception of city parks recreational benefits and usage in Kota Kinabalu green space. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

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Humans need recreat ion to in teract wi th nature and promote physical and mental wellwell-being. Recreational use of a green area is an intangible good that is hard to quantify using a standardized framework because individual personal pref erences vary. This study intended to asse assess the ur ban residents' opinion s on the recreational advantages and usage in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. SpecificallySpecifically, this research aimed to 1) De termine the association between the demographics and recreational benefits and usage among the urban inhabitants; 2 2) Investi gate the 8 8-dimension e nvironmental factors that influenced the recreational benefits and usage among the city dwellers, and 3) Eval uate the differences in recreational ben efits and usage before and after the COVID COVID-19 Pandemic among the city dwell ers. A to total of 247 respondents were gathered through the snowball sampling method, and then d dat a was collect ed using a questionnaire survey in this study . Twenty indicators were selected and adapted to the Kota Kinabalu green space scenario based on the f indin gs o of relevant past works of literature literature. Regarding the first objective, t he r eligion variable was correlated to 10 recreational benefits and usage . Then the race variable was correlated only to two recreational benefits and usage. At the same time, th e occupat occupation variab variable was corre lated to nine recreational benefits , where the given correlation coeffici ents we re validated to be significant (Phi=0.40 0.40-0.69). For the second objective, a mong the 8 8-dimension of environmental factors factors, th e fundamental of real ity, trantransformative factors , an d the constituency w was found to affect the recreational benefits and usage significantly , where the descriptiv e analysis percentage s were more than 80%. This study verified that respondents' motivations and recreational usage depended on the constituency's culture and situation situation. As for the third objective , the visitation desiredesires of the respondents to urban green s pace after the COVID COVID-19 pandemic w ere higher than before the COVID COVID-19 pandemic pandemic. HenceforthHenceforth, this study determi ned t hat secursecure and hygien hygienic recreat ional protection could be a new recreational and urban park management factor factor. The green space stakeholder sho uld consider the religion, race, occupationoccupation, and the transformative values o of nature and recreational hygiene for future rec recreational experience p reference in park management management.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Keyword: Recreational, Nature, Green space
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure > GV1-1860 Recreation. Leisure > GV182-182.5 Recreational areas and facilities. Recreation centers
Department: FACULTY > Faculty of Tropical Forestry
Depositing User: DG MASNIAH AHMAD -
Date Deposited: 01 Nov 2024 09:25
Last Modified: 01 Nov 2024 09:25

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