Application of check digit scheme in checking the validity of a credit card number

Charmaine Loraine Talalla (2006) Application of check digit scheme in checking the validity of a credit card number. Universiti Malaysia Sabah. (Unpublished)


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This research focuses on the application of the check digit scheme, known as the IBM scheme and used by the two major credit card brands in Malaysia, the MasterCard and Visa Card. A check digit is a decimal digit affixed to a credit card number, which represents the last digit of the credit card number. The function of a check digit is to check the validity of a credit card number and to detect errors in a credit card number when the number has been transmitted. The computation of a check digit can be done manually using the IBM scheme. The manual computation of a check digit involves various mathematical methods, which include mod 10, permutation, cycle notation, symmetric group, modulo arithmetic and congruence. The validity check of a credit card number can be done manually and digitally. By conducting a manual check, the sum of the resulting digits must produce a value which is an exact multiple of 10, thus this satisfies the check equation and at the same time declares that the credit card number is valid. A C program is developed to further assist as a digital check in determining the validity of a credit card number. Mod 10 is an appropriate mod to be used in the IBM scheme. If any other mod lesser than mod 10 is used, it reduces the range of decimal numbers a check digit can assume. On the other hand, any other mod greater than mod 10 produces double-digit check digits and increases the range of decimal numbers a check digit can assume. The concept of probability is applied in determining the chances of guessing a four-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) based on the number of guesses made and the number of possible PINs.

Item Type: Academic Exercise
Keyword: check digit scheme, IBM scheme, MasterCard, Visa Card, Personal Identification Number, validity
Subjects: ?? QA76 ??
Department: SCHOOL > School of Science and Technology
Date Deposited: 25 Mar 2014 14:22
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2017 09:26

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