Media and Political Literacy Ahead of GE-14 : The Case Study of Tawau Parliament

Jasmi Mohd Nasier and Zaini Othman and Eko Prayitno Joko and Mohamad Haziq Ikhsan Mohd Rudzainoor (2018) Media and Political Literacy Ahead of GE-14 : The Case Study of Tawau Parliament. Jurnal Kinabalu (EJK). pp. 1-26.

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This paper explains the role played by the media in the increase of political literacy in Tawau Parliamentary constituency. This study analyzes the understanding of voters in Tawau on their role and responsibility as a citizen in the process of voting in the General Election. The understanding of this politics, also known as Political Literacy, is increasing from one election to one election, and one of the biggest contributors is the role played by the media. The data used in this study is based on the survey data conducted before the dissolution of Parliament before the GE-14 by using questionnaire forms, which is about 1000 forms, that was distributed to three DUN within the Tawau Parliamentary constituency. In addition, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also conducted to supplement and reinforce the data from the questionnaire, by interviewing several respondents in the study area. Studies have proven that the media has played a big role in political literacy in Tawau, either through electronic media, print media, or social media. This paper also shows that voters in Tawau have a high level of understanding in politics when they are able to analyze and give insight into their power as a voter. This situation has succeeded in changing the atmosphere or trend of voting in Tawau when they are no longer easily affected by political issues without making any assessment first. Ultimately, it will influence voters in the general election to select candidates to represent them during the GE-14.

Item Type: Article
Keyword: Media, political literacy, Tawau Parliament, GE-14.
Subjects: J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
J Political Science > JQ Political institutions and public administration (Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific Area, etc.)
Department: FACULTY > Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage
Date Deposited: 18 Nov 2019 12:15
Last Modified: 18 Nov 2019 12:15

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