About the Repository
Research and scholarly works by the university’s academic community have been collected albeit physically since early 2000. With the development of technology and changes in the information needs of library users in accordance with the saying, ‘information anywhere anytime’, Universiti Malaysia Sabah Library changed the physical collection to digital collection.
Universiti Malaysia Sabah Institutional Repository or UMSIR started in 2010 as a centralized digital platform specifically created to collect, digitize and make available to the public the research and scholarly works produced by the university's academic community; students, lecturers, researchers, and staff affiliated with an institution other than UMS. This digital information is made possible by using open-source software namely e-Print.
The research and scholarly works that are digitized for UMSIR are;
✓ Writings / publications produced by UMS community..
✓ Writings / publications produced by university partners / external individuals collaborating with UMS.
✓ Works with high academic value that support teaching, learning, and research at the university.
✓ Affiliated materials when the author joins an organization to produce a work.
✓ Materials produced using research grants provided by the University / Government / Specific Organizations.
✓ UMS Community
✓ Higher Education in Malaysia
✓ Public - local and international