Service loyalty: The effects of perceived service quality and the mediating role of customer satisfaction in the seafood restaurants in Kota Kinabalu

Liyana Abdullah (2006) Service loyalty: The effects of perceived service quality and the mediating role of customer satisfaction in the seafood restaurants in Kota Kinabalu. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.


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Customer loyalty is the name of the game in today's highly competitive restaurant industry. As such, restaurateurs and managers must put much effort on developing long-term customers' service loyalty in order to remain competitive and meet the ever-increasing demands of the more sophisticated customers. This study investigates the relationships and links between perceived service quality. customer satisfaction and service loyalty. The effects and impact of customer satisfaction as a mediator is also being examined. For the purpose of this study, seven seafood restaurants in Kota Kinabalu were identified and customers of these restaurants were the respondents during the 6 weeks questionnaire survey period. Data were collected from a sample of 160 respondents in Kota Kinabalu City. Sabah. Results indicate that positive and significant relationships exist between the dependent variable, service loyalty and the Independent variables, perceived service quality and customer satisfaction. It was also found that customers' evaluation and expectation of perceived service quality go beyond just the basic service provided and customer's satisfaction is needed to earn long term loyalty. The findings also provide some insights for future research.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Keyword: customer loyalty, restaurant industry, long-term customer, service quality, satisfaction
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce
Department: SCHOOL > School of Business and Economics
Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2014 14:49
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2017 11:51

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