Joenna Joen Juuan Undar (2014) Potential of Mycorrhizal Fungi in enhancing the soil biological fertility by improving the soil biological health. Universiti Malaysia Sabah. (Unpublished)
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This study was conducted from July to December 2013 at Schad of 5L6tainalle Agliruttxe (SSA), Ur1~ty Malaysia Sabah with a title of the role of mycorrhizae in Improving the sal fertility in SctlooI of Sustainable Agricultlre, UMS Sanclakan Campus. This study was carried out to observe the dfferences of the gowth of the trap crops usirq different types of soils that are taken from differert host plants that associated with mycarhlzas and to compare the gowttl of the maize for mycorrhizae looculated soil and non-inoculated soil. The treatments Invdved In dis study are control In which there were no addition of fertilizers ard myCXll11lzal InoaJuns, foIlo.ved by fertilizer treatments (NPK Green), and tlTee different application rates of mycCllTtlizal inoa.sluns. The mycorrhizal inocUums were prepa"ed In the first part of this study. There are two parts in dis study which are the first part is the myrontlizal inocUum preparifi>n and the sea>nd part of dis study is to study the effect of l7epared mycorrhizal inocUum on the gowth perfamance of AbelmoscIIus esaJlantus. The first part of ths study tool< axM: 10 weeks and the secord part took about 13 weeks. For the first part of dis study, the mycorrhizal InoaJums were prepared by taking soils from different host plants which are Paspaltm atraturl, Mimosa pudca and MlXIJnd bra:teata. GPS positionS were taken for each of the host ~ants by using GPS device. The InoaJums were l7epared by takirq the sals from each of the host plants usirq spade. The soils from each of the host ~ants were taken with the depth of 10 an. Then, the sals were air cried for two days before crushing the soils Into smaller pieces. Each of the po/ybags contains 10kg of soils. There were five repicates for each of the sals taken from dfferent host ~arts. Zed mays were used as trap crop. The experimental desi~ used for the first part was oomplet.ely randomized Design (CRO). Selection of the best inocullm was conducted by using the parameters of ~ant height ard root length. The analysiS condlded Is soil phosphorus analysis ard mycorrhizal roots cdonization percentage. Data for the first part were analyzed using ortf:Way ANOVA and post-roc: analysis using Rsher's Least Significant Difference (LSD) also conducted. Based from the results ootainecl, InoaJun one (sals taken from Paspaltm atraturf) have the highest mean hei~t and root length which is Significantly different to InoaJun two (soils taken from Mimosa pucIca) ard InoaJum three (sals taken from Mucuna bracteiid). Furthermore, the sal P analysiS condt.ded for the three lnoculuns showed that the ioocuh . m one (SOilS taken from Paspiitm atratun) have the la.vest P rontent in the soils compare to inoculllTl two (soils taken from Mimosa pt.daJ) and inoaJun three (soils taken from Mucuna txacteatd) which ioocates that the Zed mays for InoculllTl one (soils taken from Paspaltm atratun) received the hig,est P rutrient from the soils. The mycorrhizal colonization percentage were also conducted, which showed that the Zed mays from InoculllTl one (sals taken from Paspaltm atratwi) have the hig-.est m',<X)lThizal root colorization percentage compare to the Zea mays for iroculun two (sdIs taken from Mimasa pt.dca) and inoculun three (SOils taken from MtL'tIla lrtJcteata). lhis CMI explained why the phosJtlorus content in inoaJlITl one (sals taken from PaspaJum atralunf) is the lowest compare to the other two, dis Is may be caused by the higher mycontiza presert In the sal for lnoculun one (soilS taken from Paspaltm atratun) compare to the other two treatments which aid the absorption of ph:>spIuus from the soil to the plant effectively. SO the best iroculllTl is the SOils taken from the host plants Paspiium atratt..m. The second part of dis stLKfy Is to study the effect of prepared myCXlI11lzal InoculllTl on the growth performance of ooa (Abelmoschus esa..lanlu!f) and at the same time selecting the best ratio of mycorrhizal illClCUuns. The treatments inwlved in this study were oontroI in which there were no addtion of fertilizers ard mycxrrhizal IllClCUlIllS, followed by fertilizer treatmerts (NPK Green) and ttYee afferent application rates of l7epared myCXll11lzal iooculuns which were 0.5I<g, 1.OI<g and 1.5I<g whHe the amount of fertilizer applied was 7.98g per poIybag. The top SOil were l7epared by drying, crushing and sieving of the top soils were cooducted. lhe t~ soils were autodaved before plantirq; the purpose Is to avoid cA:her factors to dsturb the association of mycorrhlza with the plant root duling the experment lhe experimental lI"Iit used for the second part of dis study was okra (AbelmoscIIus esaJantu!:). lhe ecper;mertal design applied was completely lCfldomized design (CRO). The parameters measu-ed for the second parts of dis study was ~ant height, leaf length, leaf wicltl, rumber of leaves, and root length. lhe analysiS conducted was the ~ sal analysis and myoontlzal root cdorization percentage. All the collected data were analyzed by using one way ANOVA at 0.05 significant levels and post-roc analysis using ASher's Least Signftcant Differ'er£e (LSD) also condt.d:ed. From the results, it showed that the parameters measu-ed for plant hei~t, leaf length, number of leaves and root lerg:h for okra (AbeJITI05Chus esculanlu!:) of treatment two with the application rate of 1.OI<g is signifiCMItly different to the other treatmerts. The resuts ootained srows that the mycon1lza treatmert with the application rate of 1.0kg was more effident than other treatments. However, the restJt wood be more sigrificant if yield was ootained. v
Item Type: | Academic Exercise |
Keyword: | Mycorrhiza Inoculum, Host Plants, Agronomic |
Subjects: | Q Science > QK Botany |
Department: | FACULTY > Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture |
Depositing User: | MDM FAUZIAH MATSIN |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jun 2017 11:50 |
Last Modified: | 13 Oct 2017 15:36 |
URI: | |
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