Browse by Subject
- JA1-92 Political science (General) (14)
- JA71-80 Theory. Relations to other subjects (3)
- JA81-84 History (8)
- JA86-88 Study and teaching. Research (1)
- JA Political science (General) (33)
- JC11-605 Political theory. The state. Theories of the state (14)
- JC311-314 Nationalism. Nation state (1)
- JC319-323 Political geography (4)
- JC348-497 Forms of the state (1)
- JC571-605 Purpose, functions, and relations of the state (2)
- JC Political theory (18)
- JF1338-2112 Public administration (2)
- JF2011-2112 Political parties (1)
- JF20-1177 General. Comparative government (1)
- JF20-2112 Political institutions and public administration (6)
- JF Political institutions and public administration (12)
- J General legislative and executive papers (1)
- JK1-9593 United States (3)
- JK1-9993 Political institutions and public administration(United States) (3)
- JK404-1685 Government. Public administration (3)
- JK501-868 Executive branch (2)
- JK631-868 Civil Service. Departments and agencies (2)
- JK Political institutions and public administration (United States) (3)
- J Political Science (202)
- JQ1499-1749 East Asia Including China, Japan, Korea (5)
- JQ1758-1852 Middle East Including Turkey, Iran, Israel, Arabian Peninsula (2)
- JQ1850 Arab countries (1)
- JQ21-1852 Asia (44)
- JQ21-6651 Political institutions and public administration (Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific Area, etc.) (49)
- JQ Political institutions and public administration (Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific Area, etc.) (95)
- JS221-227 Elections. Local elections. Municipal elections (1)
- JS39-8500 Local government. Municipal government (3)
- JS Local government. Municipal government (4)
- JV1-5397 Colonies and colonization (3)
- JV1-9480 Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration (17)
- JV500-5397 Colonizing nations (1)
- JV6001-9480 Emigration and immigration. International migration (14)
- JV8490-8758 Asia (10)
- JV8762 Islamic countries (1)
- JV Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration (26)
- JZ1249-1254 Relation to other disciplines and topics (1)
- JZ1305-2060 Scope of international relations. Political theory. Diplomacy (3)
- JZ1464-2060 Scope of international relations with regard to countries, territories, regions, etc. (1)
- JZ4835-5490 International organizations and associations (1)
- JZ4850-5490 Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs (1)
- JZ4935-5160 United Nations (1)
- JZ5511.2-6300 Promotion of peace. Peaceful change (2)
- JZ5587-6009 International security. Disarmament. Global survival (1)
- JZ5-6530 International relations (14)
- JZ6010-6060 Pacific settlement of international disputes (1)
- JZ6360-6377 Non-military coercion (1)
- JZ6385-6405 The armed conflict. War and order (1)
- JZ International relations (24)