Browse by Subject
- K1401-1578 Intellectual property (2)
- K140-165 History of law (1)
- K1-7720 Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence (9)
- K3154-3370 Constitutional law (1)
- K3289-3367 Organs of government (1)
- K3290-3304 The people. Election law (1)
- K3581-(3598) Environmental law (1)
- K(520)-5582 Comparative law. International uniform law (5)
- K623-968 Civil law (1)
- K830-968 Obligations (1)
- KBP1-4860 Islamic law. Shariah. Fiqh (9)
- KBP173.25-.6 Islamic law and other disciplines or subjects (1)
- KBP425-466.3 Uãl al-fiqh. Jurisprudence and theory of law. Science of legal reasoning (1)
- KBP490-4860 Furã# al-fiqh. Substantive law. Branches of law (4)
- KBP50-69 History, development and application of Islamic law (1)
- KBP639-1154 Mu#~mal~t (2)
- KBP Islamic law (9)
- KF1-9827 Federal law. Common and collective state law Individual states Individual states (3)
- KF1-KFZ9199 Law of the United States (3)
- KF United States (3)
- K Law (43)
- K Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence (17)
- KM1-999 General Middle East. Southwest Asia (1)
- KM Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica Asia (1)
- KMQ1001-1499 Palestine (to 1948) (1)
- KN Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica Asia South Asia. Southeast Asia. East Asia (1)
- KNW1-4990 Indonesia (1)
- KP Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica Asia (10)
- KPG1-6999 Malaysia (10)
- KPG7001-9999 States of East and West Malaysia (1957- ) (Part 1) (2)
- KPH1-4990 States of East and West Malaysia (1957- ) (Part 2) (1)
- KZ2-6795 Lawofnations (3)
- KZ3900-(5490) The international legal community and members (1)
- KZ6350-6785 Enforced settlement of international disputes (2)
- KZ Law of Nations (3)